Our Team

Cannon Dillon
Art Kanupp
Art started with the company in 1984 when it was known as Industrial Precision of Asheville, NC. He completed his NC Apprenticeship as a Tool & Die Maker. He has a wealth of knowledge and is our “go-to” for tooling, fixturing, and obviously, die making.
Today Art does all the planning and resource allocation for our tooling department. He offers input at weekly Production and Design Meetings. If it is associated with a number, Art will remember it.
Charlie Johnson
Charlie has been with AlphaTech since 2000 starting as a high-level machinist then moving into a CNC programming role. Today he oversees Design and Development. During his time with the company, he has established an Employee Development Program …(EDP) that focuses on developing young Apprentices into Tool & Die Makers, CNC Machinists, Designers and Programmers. The EDP (integrates) local community colleges, online educators and the NC Apprenticeship Program. AlphaTech has seen tremendous growth among employees due to Charlie’s efforts.
Mark Ogle
Mark heads up all Production at AlphaTech whether it is a “lights-out” long run or a low volume sampling. He is responsible for the planning and acquisition of material to keep the spindles turning in the CNC departments.
Mark has spent 40 years in manufacturing. He started his career as a machine operator and quickly moved into a supervisory role. He came to us to manage an electrical project that AlphaTech acquired from a large multi-national company. The multi-national sourced bids from all over the country and Mark was the key in AlphaTech winning the contract. His agreement to manage the project in addition to the AlphaTech way of doing business sealed the deal.
Brittani Stuccio
As a certified auditor from NC State University, Brittani conducts all of AlphaTech’s in-house auditing. Along with internal audits, she is also responsible for ensuring all shop procedures and policies are ISO 9001:2015 compliant.
Brittani is also our Digital Marking Manager. She handles social media, website, photography and the development of new business opportunities online.
Joe Worley
Joe started working with AlphaTech in 1998 in the capacity of Operations Manager but quickly moved into the role of President. He currently oversees finances.
After graduation from Appalachian State University, he went to work as a designer with a local automation company helping to develop systems that focus primarily on automated resistance welding. He uses his business and design education along with 35 years of real-world manufacturing experience to serve both the customers and employees of AlphaTech.